Gateless Gate Zen Serenity to Wellness

Finding Freedom: Finding Your Way Back Home

The Gateless Gate Zen

Empowers an individual to reach for, to touch, to directly see/experience the enlightened person within, regardless of religion or spiritual inclination.

Zen uses Zazen (a non-meditation form of meditation) a practice that uses no object as a focal point therefore freeing the mind from its habit of creating opposites. Most practices use a point such as love, compassion, or another ideal to try to improve the self. This action causes the mind to also focus on the opposite (love/hate, compassion/heartlessness). The mind gets no immediate rest. Zazen, on the other hand, has no object to improve on–no object, no opposite focus. The mind facing confusion finally learns to unlearn. It shuts down, rests.

Gateless Gate Zen Sesshin Retreats with Dokusan Instruction

Additionally, thru the use of Sesshin, guided retreats, the participants receive general instruction combined with Dokusan, individual personal, private guidance. By using the guidance of a person, who Directly Saw/Experienced the True Nature of Reality, the participant is able to avoid the many illusions/pitfalls associated with unenlightened teachers.

To Contact Us tap on this link – Contact Us page.

Partner Website:

Serenity Clinics

We know life in general but combined with Covid 19 has caused increased stress. Gateless Gate Serenity offers relief from the following:

- Fear
- Stress
- Anxiety
- Isolation
- Loneliness
- Mental Health Crisis

Zen instruction combined with sitting Zazen, with insightful psychological methods, helps relieve/mitigate the effects of your pain.

As an individual or as a group link to Contact Us to learn more or make an appointment for an introductory session.
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